Our Vision

We want to create a smarter chemistry, environmentally and economically sustainable.

Our Mission

Supporting companies in manufacturing enhanced products with more efficient and sustainable processes.

Latest project funded

  • BeSoGreat – EN


    PROJECT | Interreg Italy-Austria Program 2021-2027, ITAT-11-012 BeSoGreat, CUP: B48G230000005

    PERIOD | 24 months (2024 – 2026) ongoing

    PARTNERS |6 Partners: Crossing Srl (TV), Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Kufstein University of Applied Sciences in Tyrol, Nuova Deroma Srl (VI)

    PROJECT OBJECTIVE | To promote a new circular business model, starting with the valorization of spent brewing grains, which account for about 85 percent of the total mass of solid by-products of the brewing process.

    ROLE OF CROSSING | Crossing will provide know-how and qualified personnel for the chemical-physical characterization and biodegradability testing of extruded and 3D-printed artifacts.

    PROJECT BUDGET |Total budget: EUR 2,329,658; CROSSING budget: EUR 223,440

    FOR MORE INFORMATION visit https://interreg.net/it/progetti-interreg-it-at/besogreat/


Crossing is active in the world of environmental sustainability thanks to technologies that we developed and patented. Our Network is spread on European and National level, thanks to different projects with which we manage to implement and expand new production processes and supply chains.  

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