The Idea

Crossing is an innovative SME founded by Dr. V. Beghetto of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice having the know-how.
we developed the know-how for producing a new class of “Active cross-linking” agents or “ACLs” at competitive prices.
The great potential derives from the multiple applications of ACL: these activators can bind different molecules to each other with a “lock and key” mechanism, similar to enzymes.
The structure of the Crossing’s ACL can be easily modified producing a library of chemicals that have a large variety of features: activity, performance, speed of action, industrial application.

We can fine tune the compound to a specific manufacturing process.
Crossing’s core business concerns the development of highly innovative applications of the ACL, to produce:
• non-toxic leather,
• active packaging,
• anti-fouling paints,
• antimicrobial building materials,
• active cellulose, etc.
The primary purpose is to obtain a highly efficient nontoxic product with more performances than now available on the market.

But how does ACL really work? Suppose we want natural / synthetic matrices to react with each other and that these components are like pieces of a puzzle that need to be bound irreversibly; currently it is necessary to use a glue.
ACL are the glue that sticks the pieces together and disappear without leaving a trace. This approach generates endless industrial applications because the minimum requirements (functional groups) are common to most natural and synthetic materials.

For this reason, ACLs can be used as tanning agents, cross-linking the collagen fibers with no traces of chemicals left inside the leather at the end of the tanning process.

Likewise, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is cross-linked allowing to obtain a biodegradable cellulose that does not dissolve in water.

Alternatively, ACLs allow to implement the features of polymers by “grafting” (attaching) irreversibly antibacterial, anti-mold agents, preservatives, etc. to a polymer.

ACLs make possible to produce packaging, paints, coatings, gelcoats, and so on with improved long-lasting characteristics since the active component is not released during the product life.

The Team

Crossing’s Team is a group of researchers and a manager with complementary skills, crucial to develop knowledge, know how from that knowledge, business model and market for selling manufacturing applications of ACL. The Crossing’s Technological Platform has been developed on an long term research experience about industrial organic synthesis.

Crossing is lead by its founders:

 President: PhD. Beghetto Valentina
PhD in Chemistry, twenty years of experience in industrial organic chemistry. Coordinator of the research group also carries out consulting activities for Customers. Patent Writing Expert oversees the protection of the Company’s industrial property and the writing of projects for national and European funding.

 Partner: Dr. Samiolo Riccardo
Master’s degree in business administration, he is expert in finance and business development, mentoring startupper. He takes care of strategy, finance, business development, marketing activities, contracts, legal activities.

For detailed information on the know-how and experience of the company components click on the names below:

Samiolo Riccardo

Chief Executive Officer

Vanessa Gatto

R&D Specialist

Silvia Conca

R&D Specialist

Noemi Bardella

R&D Specialist

Manuela Facchin

R&D Specialist

Silvia Sponchia

Project Manager

Administrative accounting

Matteo Baldan



YouTube : Crossing Azienda 

Click to go to our youtube channel